Night Of The Demon (1957)

“It’s in the trees… it’s coming!”


Rightly regarded as a genuine high point in both British horror and British cinema, Night Of The Demon is that rarest of rare things - an actually scary horror film.

From the opening scenes - where a man is chased by something through a spooky dark wood - to the shock ending on the railway station, this film is a classic in every sense of the word.

There's not a drop of blood to be seen, there are few shock-horror sudden leapings at the camera, just a sense of unease that permeates through everything - and all caused by a little slip of paper.

Watch in terror as our hero is pursued through a house by an unseen person, then attacked by a ghostly cat. Cower in fear as Foggie from Last Of The Summer Wine jumps to his death through a window. Cheer in bewilderment as our hero refuses to believe that the baddy has any special powers - despite being treated to his own personal hurricane on an otherwise balmy summer's day.

You have been warned - watched in the right mood, Night Of The Demon could be the scariest film you've ever seen. But whatever way you look at it, it's a fantastic vindication of your love of old Brit horror.