It’s Friday, it’s 5 o’clock…

So, you may have noticed that the site updates have picked up recently. You did? Aw, bless you. Have a biscuit.

But did you also notice that they’re coming (apart from this one, obvs) at a specific time of the week?

YES! Give me that biscuit back, and wonder no more about when you’re going to get your regular fix of stupid, ill-informed reviews of films you’ve probably already seen – because it now happens at 5pm every Friday.

Until I run out of films to watch (unlikely), or I forget.

5pm, Friday, folks – set your alarm, make a brew, and settle in for a good 2 minutes of chortles and guffaws.

And while you’re at it, could you do me a favour? I’ve resurrected the social media aspect of the site, which could help you know when I’ve updated the site, or even give you more of an insight into why I’m doing this in the first place.

At the moment it’s a bit like shouting into the void, but if you were to do me a favour and follow me, I’d feel more happy about using the horrid things. The Instagram one in particular is brand new, and as of writing this, I’m literally posting to no-one on there.

So, here’s the links. They’re already on the site, but you’d be forgiven for not noticing ‘em – and like I say, I’ve only added the Instagram link this week:

British Horror Films on X (the unknown)

British Horror Films on Facebook

British Horror Films on Instagram

Ta (as we say in Cheshire).


New review: The Man Without A Body


New review: Devil Doll